respite, obliges Spain to modify
Despite that, the bilateral territorial dispute, which looms over Ceuta and Melilla without respite, obliges Spain to modify its perception of the problem and equip itself with fresh arguments amid a historical situation of great upheaval. In this context, Spain must first and foremost bear in mind the fact that Morocco is a geopolitical partner of the utmost importance. At the same time, it should not overlook the fact that Morocco views Spain (the converse does not hold) as a geostrategic adversary,[3] essentially because it stands in the way of it securing its key national, territorial and identity objectives, a struggle it is permanently and actively engaged in. This twofold status of Morocco (a fundamental geopolitical partner, but one that views Spain as a geostrategic adversary, impeding its full realisation as an independent State) is one that Spain sometimes loses sight of; and in truth it is Spain’s only neighbour that has this twofold condition. สล็อต